Help Us Save Monty

Update on Monty

Monty recovering after his op.

Thanks to the generosity of compassionate people Monty has been saved!

He has had his veterinary procedure and will arrive at Cranky’s on Saturday, 2 June to start his new life with his new family.

We cannot wait to welcome him.


Monty is a 15 month old Angus bull.  He is gentle and sweet and will come when called, especially when there are apples on offer.

Monty is currently residing on a property with very limited feed and his people cannot continue to care for him.

His destiny is the dreaded cattle sales.

Sweet Monty

We do not want to see Monty lose his life and we are sure you don’t either.

We have an opportunity to save him, to give him a happy, healthy and long life.  With your help Monty will live with other cattle and experience kindness and respect until the end of his days.

Why we need your help to save Monty:

Before Monty can take up permanent residence at Cranky’s FARM he needs to be castrated.  We do not make this decision lightly, however, for two main reasons this is necessary.  These reasons are:

  • the safety and comfort of the other residents of the sanctuary as well as that of staff and visitors;
  • and to restrict breeding, as every baby born at the sanctuary as a result of breeding between residents is one less animal we can rescue from dire circumstances.

Monty’s veterinary procedure, which will be done under anesthetic in the most gentle way possible, is expected to cost around $400-$500.  There will also be a cost to trans

Monty loves scratches

port Monty from his current location to Cranky’s FARM.

We know you will want to help Monty live a long, healthy and happy life so, if you have even $5.00 to spare, please donate towards Monty’s future by clicking on the donate button below.


Help Save Cranky's Animals