Goat Mineral Block





When you purchase a Goat Brick you are helping to keep the Cranky goats fit and healthy.

Our goats have access to a mineral block specially formulated to give goats the nutrients and minerals they need.

Go-Block are a 2kg pressed multi-nutrient supplement lick block for goats.

In goats, the most common mineral deficiencies are of cobalt, copper, iodine and selenium. Potential deficiencies of zinc and manganese may occur in some parts of Australia. There are those who say that goats should not be given urea as a supplement. This idea is not based on science, but rather unfortunate experiences with urea poisoning. Goats are ruminants, they recycle urea in the rumen and have a microbial population in their rumen. Therefore they can benefit from non-protein sources of nitrogen that can be utilized in the rumen to build up microbial protein.