
My name is Hannah.

I arrived at Cranky’s FARM with my dad, Jack, in August 2011.

Before that my dad and I had lived with some people who cared for us but decided they wanted to live at the beach and couldn’t take us with them.

We were pretty sad when we got to Cranky’s because we didn’t know what was going to happen but the people there made us feel safe and loved.

I am very cheeky and sometimes a bit mean to my dad.  Usually it’s when fruit and veggies are on offer because I REALLY like food. 😉

My dad and I are inseparable, where one is you will always find the other.

If you would like to help with the cost of feeding and caring for me just click the “Sponsor Me” button below.

If you choose to sponsor me you will receive:

  • A certificate of sponsorship;
  • Access to a whole gallery of photos of me that only sponsors get to see;
  • Regular updates about my life and how you’re contribution is being used to keep me fed, safe, healthy and happy; and
  • Free visits to Cranky’s to visit me and see how I’m doing.


I am currently eating around $144 worth of food a month and I have 3 amazing sponsors who donate $65 a month to help feed me!

