
My name is Arlo.

In June 2018 I was advertised for sale by the people who had raised me from a baby.   Instead of being sold though some amazing people who knew about Cranky’s FARM organised for me to go live there.

When I jumped off the back of the truck I met goats for the first time.  They were pretty weird but I like them.

Then I noticed the other cows.  Boy, were some of them huge!

Even though I was only a year and half old I felt like I could take any of them on and so I tried.  It didn’t take me long to realise I wasn’t going to be in charge.

Now I spend my days eating, laying the sun and hanging out with my big family.  I really love people, cuddles and carrots.

People who know me say I’m really funny, they call me a real character.

If you would like to help take care of me just click the “Sponsor Me” button below

If you choose to sponsor me you will receive:

  • A certificate of sponsorship;
  • Access to a whole gallery of photos of me that only sponsors get to see;
  • Regular updates about my life and how you’re contribution is being used to keep me fed, safe, healthy and happy; and
  • Free visits to Cranky’s to visit me and see how I’m doing.

I am currently eating around $214 worth of food a month and I have 7 amazing sponsors who donate $100 a month to help feed me!

