
My name is Peggy.  I was born in October 2020 and I am a Brahman heifer.

Sadly, my life started on a feedlot where my mother was being fattened before being sold.

I was taken and hand raised but had an accident at 6 weeks old and my leg was broken.

My injuries were treated and my broken leg healed but I have since developed lameness and muscle loss in my other leg.

Thankfully, Cranky’s FARM have agreed to take me on and give me the best life they can.

In September 2021, I underwent a major surgery at the University of Queensland, Gatton Campus.  I will always have challenges but, thanks to the surgery my life is now a lot less painful.  I will require on-going special care though for the rest of my life.

If you would like to help them take care of me you can sponsor me by clicking on the Sponsor Me button below.
