
My name is Fifteen.

I am eight years old and until now I have managed to survive due to my charm and obvious affection for people.  Seven years ago I jumped off the back of a truck with fifteen other infant Droughtmaster steers.  I immediately  made my way to the nearest person and stared longingly at her for a pat.

That day the lady who patted me vowed to not let me go to the cattle sales.  We quickly became great friends.  A few years later it was time for my herd and I to be sold.  Thankfully, my lady friend was true to her promise and  she took me away to live on an agistment property.  Sadly, I had to say good bye to the rest of my herd because she couldn’t save us all. 🙁

I spent the next five years living on a few different properties and until now life has been safe and secure.  Unfortunately, my current residence has been hit by the drought and I have to move on from there.  My lady looked everywhere for a place for me to live.  She says I am just like a big dog so she simply cannot let me end up at the sales.  She was starting to despair when she heard of Cranky’s FARM who said they would love to give me a forever home.

In September 2018 I arrived at Cranky’s.  I have been there now for over a year.  I am happy and loved and part of an amazing big family.

If you would like to help with the cost of some of my food just click the “Sponsor Me” button below.

If you choose to sponsor me you will receive:

  • A certificate of sponsorship;
  • Access to a whole gallery of photos of me that only sponsors get to see;
  • Regular updates about my life and how you’re contribution is being used to keep me fed, safe, healthy and happy; and
  • Free visits to Cranky’s to visit me and see how I’m doing.

I am currently eating around $214 worth of food a month and I have 4 amazing sponsors who donate $150 a month to help feed me!


